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Project Development

Depending on a project’s approval path, projects will proceed through a set of phases, sometimes requiring approval to proceed to the next stage. 

Project Phases

The following seven project phases may be required:

  1. Programming, Feasibility, Pre-Design (When Required)
    This phase includes programming, space planning, rough order of magnitude cost estimates, and the development of a preliminary project schedule. This phase may also include a feasibility study, conceptual design, or the development of master plans.
  2. Schematic Design
    Schematic design documents further develop the endorsed project to a level that the design, scope, budget, and schedule can be approved.
  3. Design Development/Construction Documents
    Design development and construction documents take the approved design from schematic design into finalized documents for construction.
  4. Construction Procurement/Permitting
    The construction procurement includes the following: permit, bid, and award. This phase will take the developed drawings and submit them to: the jurisdictional authorities for plan review to obtain necessary construction permits; contractors for bid and award.
  5. Construction
    Construction is the implementation of the project in accordance with contract documents, and within budget and schedule. The construction phase may be split into demolition and construction to expedite project delivery.
  6. Occupancy
    Occupancy is when the project is nearing completion and the temporary certificate of occupancy has been issued allowing occupants to move in.
  7. Close-out
    Close-out includes commissioning and the completion of all construction and financial activities.

Role of the Capital Facilities Workgroup

The Capital Facilities Workgroup will also be leveraged during project development if/when a budget adjustment is necessary.  

  • Schools/unit must submit an updated request to CFW requesting a budget alteration.  
  • CFW is authorized to approve budget adjustments that are within 10% of the approved budget AND less than $100k.  
  • If the budget adjustment does not meet this criteria, the project must return to Resource Planning for review and approval.