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Project Changes

Facilities strives to pay attention to and properly manage project changes. We have instituted a system that allows for orderly and systematic tracking of changes.

Program Scope Change Request Form

Prior to proceeding with client-requested programmatic scope changes in construction, the project manager will complete a Program Scope Change Request form and forward it to the user and financial sponsor for signature. The Program Scope Change Request will include a brief description of the program change, an estimated cost, and schedule impact. The form requires that the financial sponsor identify a funding source prior to incorporating the change into the project scope.

Change Requests

Following approval of the scope change and identification of a valid funding source, the project manager will proceed with the required communications with the contractor. A change request is used to identify and document changes during construction. Change requests may be initiated in the following three ways:

  • Request for proposal: The need for a change is identified and the architect prepares the necessary revisions and forwards them to Facilities. The project manager reviews the change and the documentation and, once it has been decided to proceed with the change, a change request is issued that asks the contractor to provide an itemized price.
  • Time and material work order: The project manager initiates the request and issues it directly to the contractor. These changes are most often minor and are issued on a time and material basis to minimize the impact on the construction schedule. Sometimes it is determined that there is an advantage to proceeding with major changes on a time and material basis due to uncertainty in the scope of the change, or in other circumstances where it is advantageous to the University.
  • Contractor-proposed change: Sometimes the need for a change is identified by the contractor, priced, and negotiated before a formal change request has been issued. An example of this would be a change identified through the request for information process. In this case, the change is accepted and a change request number is assigned for record keeping purposes.
As change requests are initiated, they are logged into the contractor’s change order request log for tracking purposes. This log is updated on a weekly basis and provides regularly reports to Facilities and the user or building committee representative.