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Leadership & Extracurriculars

As an aspiring health professional, honing your leadership skills as a student can prepare you for future roles and responsibilities in your career. On campus, there are numerous extracurricular opportunities to develop these skills, such as joining a Registered Student Organization (RSO) or participating in Greek Life.

Consider exploring the following resources:

For more information on popular RSOs among pre-health students, visit our Student Group page.

Wildcat Connections (RSO)

Health profession programs and school admissions representatives recognize students gain experience by participating in a Registered Student Organization (RSO). In addition to the social benefits of connecting with fellow students who share the same academic interests, participating in a student group can help you build numerous skills in demand in the health professions.  Skills such as cultural competencies, teamwork, reliability and dependability, ethical responsibilities to self and others, capacity for growth and improvement, adaptability, and resilience, continue to be in high demand in the health professions.

Note, the Wildcat Connections search tool can be used to view all health-related student organizations or to search other categories or interests.

Pre-Health Student Groups

*This list may not include all pre-health student groups on campus.
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All Ears

All Ears seeks to bring together undergraduates who are passionate about volunteering in a clinical setting (which will be located at Northwestern Memorial Hospital & Prentice's Women Hospital). Undergraduate students will have an opportunity to pair up with medical students and visit patients to provide companionship for terminally ill patients at the hospital who have few, if any, visitors to speak of. All Ears will also provide its members with the opportunity to engage in monthly discussions about end-of-life issues with medical students and doctors. Speaker panel events will also be held to provide general Northwestern students with knowledge about palliative care.

Our intended goals are to 1) provide companionship to patients 2) provide clinical exposure to undergraduate students through knowledge in end-of-life care 3) imbue undergraduate students with skills necessary to interact with patients comfortably with the help/facilitation of medical students. 

American Medical Women's Association

AMWA is a national organization whose aim is to foster an enriching environment for women in science and the medical professions. We hope to inspire women to pursue medicine and give back to the community through a variety of informational, volunteering, or networking events. We seek to provide a plethora of resources to aspiring healthcare workers while fostering an empathetic and welcoming environment. 

Our Objectives:  

…to provide peer mentorship to undergraduate students pursuing careers in science and medicine

…to spread awareness about women’s health issues on campus and the community at large

…to create a positive space for women pursuing careers in science and medicine empower women interested in medicine by providing resources and networking opportunities


Chinatown Health Initiative

The Chinatown Health Initiative works to fundraise and create health educational materials for a free clinic in Cermak Chinatown.We hold multiple fundraisers every quarter. Language interpreters also go up to the clinic every week. We also hold an annual health fair for Chinatown residents every spring quarter.

Who should join?

Anyone who is interested in helping with a free clinic that provides primary healthcare to the indigent public. Students with backgrounds in fundraising, patient interaction, and health education as well as anyone else are welcome to join the group.


Community Health Corps (CHC)

Community Health Corps (CHC) is a grass roots student run organization that aims to empower individuals to better manage their health in the Evanston and Skokie areas. CHC's volunteers launched and operate the HIRCULES (Health Information Resource Centers Utilizing Libraries in Evanston and Skokie) Health Hub, where they help community members navigate through their health related questions and connect individuals to existing health information and resources. In addition, through a unique partnership with the American Red Cross, CHC recruits and trains students to be trainers in CPR/First Aid/AED courses in order to provide these trainings free of charge to underserved populations in our community.

Who should join?

All pre-health students are eligible to volunteer with CHC. 



We partner different universities across the country with grassroots organizations from across the world to address health disparities in specific communities. We train and educate students in global health equity issues and empower them to continue making global health a part of their life beyond college.

Who should join?

Our organization is open to all specialties, as improving the quality of healthcare in vulnerable communities requires knowledge beyond that used in engineering. We are targeting students interested in helping us expand our own presence on campus and are willing to support individual initiatives. We are also seeking help with fundraising to also contribute to our expansion.


Minority Association of Pre-Med Students at Northwestern (MAPS)

The Minority Association of Pre-Med Students at Northwestern (MAPS), formerly One Step Before, serves the minority premedical students of Northwestern University by providing valuable information that premedical students need prior to attending medical school, via meetings, workshops, events, etc. MAPS works diligently to try to stimulate the interests of premedical students at Northwestern University, in the medical field by encouraging and promoting all minorities in medicine.

Who should join?

While MAPS is dedicated to the minority community, it is not exclusive to minorities, and is open to any and all premedical students. It is also open to any student interested in health-related fields. Students are welcome to come to MAPS' general meetings, and are encouraged to join the MAPS listserv.


NU Pre-Dental Society (NUPDS)

Northwestern Pre-dental society (NUPDS) strives to unite NU pre-dental students and serves as a resource as students explore careers in oral healthcare or prepare enter to dental school. NUPDS is focused on educating students about career options in dentistry and offering support to undergraduates navigating pre-dental preparations including course requirements, volunteer opportunities, and DAT test preparation. NUPDS also aims to strengthen networking connections with dental professionals and students in the greater Chicago area as well as within the NU community.

Who should join?

We are open to anyone who has any interest in dentistry as a career choice or otherwise.


Pre-Surgical Society

The Pre-Surgical Society at Northwestern University is dedicated to bridging the opportunity gap in medicine by connecting students with a passion for surgical careers. We provide essential resources and support for students exploring surgical careers or preparing for medical school applications. Our mission includes educating students about diverse surgical specialties, guiding them through course requirements, and facilitating access to volunteer opportunities and exam preparation. The Pre-Surgical Society also emphasizes building strong networking connections with surgeons and medical professionals in the greater Chicago area and within the Northwestern community, ensuring that all students, regardless of background, have access to valuable mentorship and career guidance.

Who should join?

We are open to anyone who has any interest in medicine and specifically surgery


Pre-Veterinary Society at Northwestern University

The purpose of the Pre-Veterinary Society at Northwestern University is to encourage the diverse science of veterinary medicine and to stimulate and strengthen interests in the competitive field. The objectives of the Pre-Veterinary Society are to educate students interested in a career in veterinary medicine through guest lectures, meetings and community service. The society will aid students in understanding the admissions process, promote connections between pre-veterinary students, and provide resources and guidance through the support of the pre-med/pre-health advisers at the University Academic Advising Center.

Who should join?

The group is open to all students who are pursing a pre-veterinary agenda on their path to veterinary school.


Pre-Med Peer Mentoring Program (PPMP)

The purpose of PPMP is to provide incoming pre-med students with a peer mentor to offer support and guidance. They offer a 1-to-1 mentor-mentee system as well as open office hours to accommodate all different needs of busy pre-med students. 

Who should join?

PPMP is open to all pre-medical undergraduate students at Northwestern University.


Phi Delta Epsilon

The Illinois Gamma chapter of PhiDE International Medical Fraternity at Northwestern University provides its members with mentorshipleadership and volunteering opportunities, social activities and scientific education.

Our international philanthropy is Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, which we fundraise for every year. PhiDE brings high-profile speakers to NU's campus to discuss important issues in the medical field, such as healthcare systems, the role of research and funding in medicine, and even speakers that advise pre-medical students on their path into medical school. Our recruitment of members occurs in the fall and spring quarters. 

Physicians for Human Rights Student Program

The Physicians for Human Rights Student Program is a chapter of a national student program committed to advocacy for health and human rights violations on undergraduate and medical school campuses.

Undergraduate Premedical Society (UPS)

The purpose of UPS is to provide undergraduate premedical students at Northwestern University with a resource on campus that will help them pursue their life as pre-medical students, and help create a  sense of community among students interested in careers in medicine. Further, we strive to empower students in the medical school admissions process, as well as in their studies in required classes.

Who should join?

UPS is open to all pre-medical undergraduate students at Northwestern University. Email for more information.
