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Advising Tools

Advising Tools to Plan Your Health Careers Path

This section contains a non-exhaustive list of the HPA advising team’s favorite advising/planning tools. We encourage advisees to make an appointment with your HPA advisor to discuss any questions or concerns about your journey to your chosen health profession.

Advising Tools

Course Planning

The tools to help advisees plan their academic progress towards fulfilling common pre-health course prerequisites.

Documents & Links

Extracurricular Planning

Tools that highlight the importance of gaining experience outside of the classroom, and how advisees can find opportunities.

Documents & Links

Application Writing

Tools to assess the strength of your application as you navigate the application process for medical school and other health professions.

Documents & Links


Other Campus Support

Northwestern is a resource-rich environment with many specialized student support services. HPA advisors often refer pre-health students seeking opportunities or navigating challenges, to campus partners.

HPA advisors also encourage current students to meet regularly with their college and major advisors and to take advantage of the wide range of resources available through the Office of Student Affairs.

Seeking support when needed is a sign of strength and can demonstrate adaptability and resilience.

Ask an Advisor!