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Admission Factors

Medical schools are looking for well-rounded, accomplished applicants with the following qualities:

  1. Strong aptitude in science. Students should demonstrate strength in this area by excelling in the required courses and doing well on the MCAT.
  2. Demonstration of humanistic qualities. Since the healthcare field revolves around helping people, your application should show that you have an interest in people and are committed to serving others.
  3. Evidence that your decision to become a physician has been tested in reality. Medical schools will want to see that you have experience working with patients, have observed the patient/doctor relationship, and have taken the time to make sure this is the right career/field for you.

For a complete list of desired competencies see the AAMC Pre-Med Competencies 

Will I be a competitive applicant?

In our workshops and appointments, we help students assess the strength of their application through conversation about the qualities listed above, individual experiences, etc.

Advisers also want you to be aware of the factors that may weaken your application: 

  • The science GPA is below 3.0 (3.0 - 3.3. is still a gray area).
  • The MCAT is below the national average (changes from year to year).
  • They have not had a chance to test their decision with clinical experience.
  • They are ambivalent about pursuing a career in medicine

If any of those apply to you, meet with an advisor about your decision to apply. We would love to talk with you about ways to strengthen your application, as well as other options and pathways to a career in the health professions!

Academic Preparation

Important academic factors include:

  • Taking the required coursework
  • Completing the MCAT
  • Choosing a major that truly interests you. Medical schools are interested in diverse educational backgrounds, and there is no specific pre-med major at Northwestern. Your career goals may change; choose a major that can provide a good foundation for alternative career choices.

Non-Academic Activities

Your non-academic activities are also important, and good activities include:

  • Shadowing/clinical experience
  • Research
  • Community involvement

Get involved in activities that you really enjoy, not just to build a resume or "impress" medical schools.

Read the overview of the different types of experiences.

Things to Remember

    1. You do not (and cannot) do all extra-curricular experiences at once - work with your advisor to develop a balanced plan!
    2. Preparing for applying to a health profession is a process that takes several years.
    3. There will be changes to all plans, this is OK and expected!
    4. It’s a strength to seek help when you need it.
    5. Not one thing on the above lists is worth more than your health and well-being.