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One World \ One Northwestern

Staff Engagement Opportunities

The Office of the Vice President for International Relations is committed to engaging staff meaningfully in Northwestern’s internationalization activities.

One World \ One Northwestern Programming

We facilitate a variety of programming through our One World \ One Northwestern (OWON) initiative, intended to encourage sharing and collaboration across the university.

Aaron Zdawczyk speaking at a podium at an One World One Northwestern event

Community Building Events

Our office organizes OWON events throughout the year for globally-engaged staff to meet and network with colleagues. These include quarterly luncheons with guest speakers, summer networking get togethers, virtual coffee hours, and more.
Upcoming Events

Affinity Groups

One World \ One Northwestern affinity groups bring together staff from across the university working in the same areas, and in some cases facing the same challenges.
More Here

Professional Development Programs

Our office provides funding for Northwestern staff to engage in professional programs aimed at developing a deeper knowledge of international education.

BTAA Staff Development Program on Internationalization

The Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA) Staff Development Program on Internationalization is a professional development opportunity for selected staff members to learn about the internationalization of higher education and best partnership practices.
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International Partner Institution Exchange

We offer travel grant for administrators to meet their counterparts at Northwestern's partner institutions abroad. The goal of this opportunity is for Northwestern staff to better understand the environments of our international partners and to learn and share best practices.
More here

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Kim Rapp speaking at the podium at an One World One Northwestern event

Kim Rapp

Assistant Vice President for International Relations

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.