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International Opportunities for Northwestern Faculty

The Office of the Vice President for International Relations provides grant opportunities for Northwestern faculty members interested in developing or expanding their international research and collaborations. Competitive proposals will include concrete, practical plans for strengthening Northwestern’s existing institutional partnerships and for raising Northwestern's visibility in academic and research communities outside the US.

Partnering Abroad

Northwestern is committed to expanding and deepening existing institutional partnerships as well as developing new partnerships that focus on collaborative research and teaching.

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Conference and Workshop Grants

Up to $10,000 in funding for tenure-line faculty to host a workshop or conference at Northwestern with colleagues from one or more of Northwestern’s international partner institutions.
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Seed Funding for Projects with the University of Hamburg

Up to $8,000 in joint seed funding for promising collaborative projects with high potential to lead to externally funded research, larger scale collaborations, jointly authored papers and/or common teaching activities at the undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral levels. Total expenses for activities and travel cannot exceed $4,000 for Northwestern and 4,000€ for the University of Hamburg.
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International Classroom Partnering Grants for Northwestern Faculty

$3,000 grants for Northwestern faculty to collaborate with colleagues at Northwestern's international partner institutions to provide in-class cross-cultural, global opportunities through virtual student learning and engagement during the academic school year.
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Wendy Pearlman speaking with Northwestern alumni at an event in Toronto

Representing and Connecting with Northwestern Abroad

We are always looking for Northwestern faculty who are traveling abroad for professional reasons, and who would be interested in connecting with our institutional partners, students studying abroad, or alumni. Please contact our office and we would be happy to help set-up meetings and activities.
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