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Initiate a Project

Facilities Planning, Capital Programs, and Operations divisions provides direction and advice on every aspect of the planning, design and construction process. Engagement begins with programming and design and continues through occupancy and operations of Northwestern’s built environment. 

Project Process

The process for a project will depend on its type.

Capital Projects

What's a capital project? 

Capital requests include any of the below :

  • New footprint construction project, including expansions
  • Renovation, recapitalization, or demolition project with a total project budget over $100K
  • Facility or land acquisition
  • New leased space or leased space renewal
  • Master plan, feasibility study, or conceptual study that may result in a capital project
  • Major change of space use within the existing Northwestern portfolio, such as changing administrative space to research space
See Steps for a Capital Project

Non-Capital Project

What's a non-capital project?

Non-capital requests are for rrenovations and other projects with estimated total project costs of less than $100,000. Please note that non-capital projects can be transitioned into a capital project based on impact.​

Non-capital projects follow specific procedures:

  • Financing for non-capital projects generally comes from within a school or department.
  • Funding must be approved prior to the start of the construction process.​ 
  • Estimate requests can be entered into Facilities Connect.
See Steps for a Non-Capital Project

Project Budgeting

Learn more about what goes into the estimate for a capital or non-capital project, as well as the cost of project management fees

Project Budgeting 

Project Changes

A change to a project can impact its scope, cost and timeline. Learn about the Facilities process for managing and tracking changes.