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App Closet

About Program

Preparing to live off-campus is exciting, and also presents the challenge of new freedoms, new rights, and new responsibilities. responsibilities. How are you going to find a roommate? How do you split bills between housemates, and ensure they get paid on time? Some neighbors may be fellow students, and others will be non-student neighbors with their own priorities -- so how can you and all your neighbors build community together? How will you make a healthy dinner out of the scraps left in your pantry and fridge on Thursday afternoon? See below for what these apps created by Northwestern students can do for you!

Submission Instructions

The Off-Campus Life office invites any student or group of students to share newly-developed applications that will assist students living or preparing to live in the off-campus environment, whether in Evanston or Chicago. Here's how to do it:

  1. Create an app or service that solves a problem for students living or preparing to live off-campus. The app may be aimed at any platform: web, iOS, Android, Alexa, etc. 
  2. Use the application MachForm to share your proposal with the Off-Campus Life office. Staff from the office will set up a time to meet and discuss your proposal.  Some things the application will request:
    1. A clear description of the product, and the problem it solves for students moving or preparing to move off-campus;
    2. Detailed information about any pricing considerations including, but not limited to, the cost of the app to download, fees applied during usage, or purchases that can be made within the application (Please note: Failure to adequately provide such information at the time of application, or once hosted in the App Closet, will result in a denied application, or removal of the app from the App Closet.);
    3. Disclosure of how app users' information will be stored and utilized (Please note: Any app that sells student information in any way will not be permitted to use the App Closet.);
    4. Verification that the representatives of the app have any necessary licenses, permissions, and/or insurance;
    5. Verification that any use of Northwestern branding has been been cleared through Northwestern's Trademark Licensing Office.

Statement of Non-Endorsment

All applications posted on this site are provided as a courtesy to Northwestern student developers. Any representations as to their quality, effectiveness, or value are made solely by the developer, and not the Off-Campus Life office. If a user encounters any problem with an application on this site, feedback and requests to remedy should be directed to the app developer. If a user of the App Closet finds that cost information, licensing, or information-sharing practices fail to satisfy the above application requirements, please contact the Off-Campus Life Office.