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Beneficiaries of the Endowment Fund Payout

The endowment is similar to a mutual fund, with several beneficiary units represented as investors, or “holders.” For example, Northwestern’s Treasury Pool is the largest holder, followed by Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Lyrica Funded, and Central Administration.

The Treasury Pool is the University’s working capital for operations, internal liabilities, and short- and long-term credit obligations. Rather than keeping all its assets in low-yielding cash vehicles, the Treasury Pool invests a significant portion in the endowment. Each group’s portion includes all the individual funds that are designated to benefit that unit.

The Endowment Fund By Holder

Total Shares: 47,129,137 (as of June 30, 2023)

Owners of the Endowment Fund
Holders Market Value
(in millions)
Percent of Total
Treasury Pool $3,218 23.5%
Feinberg School of Medicine $2,569 18.7%
Lyrica Funded $1,458 10.6%
Central Administration $1,255 9.2%
Kellogg School of Management $1,044 7.6%
Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences $1,012 7.4%
University Scholarships $625 4.6%
All Other Unit Holders* $2,519 18.4%
$13,700 100%

*Other unit holders include the Pritzker School of Law, Bienen School of Music, McCormick School of Engineering, and Office of the Provost, among others.