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GSRC Part-time Positions

Undergraduate positions:

GSRC Student Resource Advisor (Formerly known as Office Assistant)

Position Description

GSRC Office Assistant Student Supervisor (No Open Positions at this time)

Position Description

GSRC Marketing and Engagement Leader (Formerly know as Student Engagement Leader)

Position Description

Interested in multiple positions? We only need one application submitted. You will get to rank the positions to help us know which you are interested in and which you prefer should you advance in our hiring process.


Undergraduate Hiring Timeline

Application Open:  Monday, May 20th- Monday, May 27th at 8am

In-person Interviews: May 29th, 30th, and 31st

Hiring Decisions: Week of June 3rd

Begin Work:

Graduate Positions

GSRC Graduation Assistant (Open Positions)

Position description


Graduate Hiring Timeline

Application Open: Jan 15th until filled

Virtual Interviews: Beginning March 11th until filled

Hiring Decisions: As early as May 1st, 2024

Begin Work: September 4th on the Evanston Campus