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Customized Security Reports

Northwestern University provides access to Crisis24, a security information company, to provide in-depth analysis on timely or specific security risks associated with Northwestern travel. Here's how to get a customized security report for your trip:

What You Get

  • A report on current security risks in your destination, specific to your travel dates and activities.
  • Examples include:
    • Potential impact of elections or protests on your travel plans
    • Security concerns around your hotel location
    • Overall security risks for travelers at a high-profile event

Who is Eligible

  • Northwestern faculty and staff

Before You Request a Report

  • Discuss your travel plans with OGSS (Office of Global Safety and Security). They can advise you on using Crisis24's resources and provide past report examples
  • Create a free Crisis24 account and review the "Location Intelligence" section for your destination

How to Request a Report

  1. Email:
    • Send to:,, and your OGSS contact
    • Subject: "A2A SitRep for [Country] from NWU"
  2. Information to Include:
    • Trip dates and location (city and country)
    • Specific concerns (e.g., protests)
    • Traveler type (undergrad, grad student, etc.)
    • Reason for travel
    • Any accompanying faculty/staff experience
    • On-site support (travel providers, host institutions)
  3. Ask Specific Questions:
    • How will protests impact public transportation? Should you plan alternative activities?
    • Are there security concerns around your hotel or meeting spaces?
    • Are there widespread violence risks? Should you adjust your evening activities?

Note: Turnaround time for reports is typically 3 business days.

Questions or feedback?

Contact OGSS at