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Create Links

There are two types of links you can create in Cascade: internal and external. Adding links is one of the most common tasks in Cascade. Adding links is a common task in Cascade, allowing you to link to documents (such as PDFs, Word, Excel, PowerPoint), images, or webpages.

Internal link to webpage, document, Image

Internal links are links to your content that lives within Cascade. You can link to documents, files, webpages, or even create anchor links within the same page.

Accessibility Tip

Make sure that the link text is descriptive. use descriptive link text. Read More and Click Here link text isn't very helpful to users with assistive technology. Instead of a link like Read more about Cascade 2017 conference, create a link like Read more about Cascade 2017 conference.

Create an internal link

  1. Select the text you want to link and locate the link icon in the WYSIWYG toolbar. Click on it to open a new window.

  2. Choose the appropriate asset by clicking "Choose File, Page, or Link" option to navigate to the appropriate asset. Once selected, click the OK button to place the link in your webpage. For documents, it's recommended to add the document title in the "Title" field.

  3. After you've made your changes, you should save your changes to Cascade and publish to the live site.

Note: You can make your buttons look like links the in WYSIWYG by using a "Button" style. Follow steps on our Custom CSS Styles Page to make your buttons look like links.

Create Anchor Links

Anchor links serve as invisible bookmarks on a page, allowing you to break up lengthy content, like in an FAQ page.

Note: In general, you can create anchor links within the same content area ( the anchor and the link has to live within the same WYSIWYG).

To create an anchor link:

  1. Position your cursor where you want the anchor marker to be located.

  2. Next, click the Anchor icon. This will open a new window.

  3. Type a short name for the anchor in the "Id" field, using dashes instead of spaces for longer IDs. Click OK. You'll see a small anchor image where you placed your anchor, visible only within Cascade (not on the published page).

  4. Select the text you want to link and click the link icon. Type the anchor name into the Anchor field, either for the current page or another page on your site.

  5. Click OK to insert the link into your webpage.
  6. Save your changes in Cascade and publish them to the live site.

Anchor link video tutorial

External link to a website or email address

External links are links to pages that are not part of your website in Cascade. If you cannot link to a page via Cascade using the folder tree, it's considered external. Link to an email address is also considered external.

Accessibility Tip: Handling External Links

For better accessibility, it is recommended to open all external links in the same tab/window. Users relying on screen reading devices may find it disorienting when external links open in new tabs. However, there are a few exceptions to consider. For instance, if users need to refer to instructions on another webpage while filling out an online form, it may be appropriate to open the instructions in a new tab.

Link to an external webpage

  1. Select the text you want to link and click the link icon in the WYSIWYG toolbar.
  2. In the link window, uncheck "Internal" and check the "External" checkbox.
  3. In the "Link" field, add the external URL starting with http:// or https://. Remove the pre-filled https if pasting from the browser's address bar. Additional information can be added in the "Title" field.
  4. Click OK to insert the link into your webpage.
  5. Save your changes in Cascade and publish them to the live site.

Link to an email address

  1. Select the email address you want to link and click the link icon in the WYSIWYG toolbar.
  2. In the link window, uncheck "Internal" and check the "External" checkbox.
  3. In the "Link" field, erase https:// and type mailto:, followed by the email address (e.g.,

  4. Click OK to insert the link into your webpage.
  5. Save your changes in Cascade and publish them to the live site.