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Drop-In Peer Tutoring

Drop-In Peer Tutoring is a great way to get help while engaging with and learning from others in your classes!

Peer tutoring sessions provide a friendly, collaborative environment where you can come to get help, tackle homework, or study. Peer tutoring is a great way to get support with a specific question or issue, or just talk through course material with others. Tutors are experienced with the course material, and trained to facilitate learning in inclusive, active environments. Meet a few of the peer tutors here!

Drop-In Tutoring will return Fall 2024:  Sunday, September 29th.

Drop-In Tutoring covers courses in Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Economics, Engineering Analysis, Math, Physics, and Statistics. 

Drop-In Tutoring has several locations across the Evanston campus:

  • Schapiro Hall- 560 Lincoln Street
  • Shepard Hall- 626 University Place
  • Multicultural Center- 1936 Sheridan Road
  • Elder Lounge- 2400 Sheridan Road, Room G15
  • Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC)- Foster-Walker House 5

 For additional tutoring within academic departments, see our Campuswide Tutoring page.

Soji Oduneye photo

Seeing familiar faces each session really helped, and the peer tutors made me feel extremely comfortable asking questions throughout the quarter, especially as they started to recognize me and remember my name. ”

—Soji Oduneye, class of 2025

The tutors created a welcoming, supportive, and friendly environment. I felt comfortable not understanding everything and being able to ask questions.”

—Kahsaia de Brito, class of 2023

Kahsaia de Brito photo
Kennedy Williams photo

The tutors had a very kind and welcoming attitude.”

—Kennedy Williams, class of 2023

Drop-In Peer Tutoring is great! I went almost every week, and the tutors were always extremely patient and helpful.”

—Chloe Cope, class of 2023
Chloe Cope photo

What to Expect

Drop-In Peer Tutoring is just that — drop-in — so  you can stop by at any point during a session. Look for the sign with your class listed, and head over. Tutors are there to listen and help with whatever questions you have — no question is too "basic." Most likely, other students will be at the table, meaning that you can learn from others' questions, too.

Read our top-10 list for making the most of Drop-In Peer Tutoring!


Email us!

Policy on tutor matching: We offer a wide range of opportunities, in a variety of settings, for course support. To maintain our quality standards and ensure access for all students, we do not offer a tutor-matching service or provide lists of tutors available for hire. Read our full policy on tutor matching.