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Northwestern University Sesquicentennial

Sequicentennial Book and Video

  • What was the relationship between Frances Willard, the first dean of women, and Henry Fowler, University president?
  • Why did Northwestern's founders build a campus and a whole new town around it instead of locating in Chicago, where those founders first met?

The answers to these questions and a host of wonderful stories are part of Northwestern University: Celebrating 150 Years. Published in celebration of the Sesquicentennial and filled with historical and contemporary photos, this full-color book chronicles Northwestern's fascinating history and relates many entertaining stories.

Written by Chicago author Jay Pridmore and published by Northwestern University Press, this 280-page beautifully illustrated hardcover edition is available for $45. Click here to choose a selection from the book.


Produced by Scott Craig Productions and the Sesquicentennial Office, Northwestern's video history is now available. Northwestern: Moments in Time premiered on October 21, 2000 as well received warmly by audiences. The 55-minute video provides a touching and entertaining look at Northwestern's first 150 years. The videotape is available now for only $10 while supplies last.

The book and video are now available for purchase at the Norris University Bookstore, Evanston area booksellers or by calling 1-800-621-2736 and using a credit card.

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