Northwestern Office of Global Marketing and Communications

Northwestern in the Media

March 4, 2024
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Check out the top-reaching stories of academic impact in traditional media. Metrics draw from English-language print, broadcast and online global media outlets.

Top stories (Feb. 22-28)

  • Drs. Eve Feinberg and Emily Jungheim explain the process of in vitro fertilization following an Alabama Supreme Court ruling declaring frozen embryos human beings. They are cited in 155 stories for a reach of 25.7 million. Top outlets include The New York Times, CNN, National Public Radio, NBC News and MarketWatch.

  • Penelope Muse Abernathy and Tim Franklin's research on the loss of local newspapers was cited in stories about how a lack of local news coverage played a role in a 2018 election scandal. Abernathy and Franklin were cited in 244 stories for a reach of 24.4 million. Top outlets include Marketplace and NPR broadcasts. 

  • Steve Drizin comments on the false confession and eventual exoneration of Chris Tapp, a man wrongfully convicted of an Idaho woman’s 1996 murder. Drizin was cited in 138 stories for a reach of 8.8 million. Top outlets include NBC News.

*To allow time for data processing and validation, the reporting period for top stories and quantitative media metrics runs Thursday-Wednesday.

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In the Spotlight

Read in-depth coverage of Northwestern work and research.

How this longevity lab aims to help slow down the aging process

From the 'Today' show

Feinberg's Human Longevity Laboratory is actively studying novel treatments and strategies to gain insights into and mitigate the natural aging process, aiming to extend individuals’ lifespans while enhancing their overall health and well-being. Dr. Douglas Vaughan speaks to the "Today" show about the tests his lab is performing to better understand the process of aging.

What's at stake for Biden and Trump as both visit border

From the BBC

Joe Biden and Donald Trump visited the U.S.-Mexico border amid a crucial political battle over immigration that could heavily influence the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Weinberg’s Jaime Dominguez tells the BBC that even progressive mayors are urging the federal government to take action and emphasizes that Democrats cannot simply avoid addressing this issue.

Court clerk’s error exposed data involving thousands of juvenile defendants, violating state law


The Cook County court clerk’s office inadvertently exposed the names of over 5,000 children charged with crimes, raising concerns about the functionality and oversight of the court system's technological upgrades under Clerk Iris Martinez. Northwestern Law’s Stephanie Kollmann tells WBEZ that while adults’ conviction and arrest records are typically part of the public record, easily accessible through background checks or online searches, the protection of minors’ records in Illinois serves a valid purpose.

NU Voices

Read perspectives from Northwestern faculty in national media.

The medical gaslighting of long COVID patients could be nearing its end

From Steven Lubet, The Hill

The medical profession often reacts slowly, and sometimes obdurately, to novel conditions that do not fit previously known categories, especially in the absence of available tests or biomarkers that can succinctly tell the doctor ‘what’s wrong,’” Northwestern Law’s Steven Lubet writes in The Hill.


About the Northwestern in the Media briefing

This weekly newsletter serves as a resource for faculty and communications staff, sharing news opportunities and highlighting faculty and University successes in traditional media. It also provides communications tools such as media training resources and announcements about upcoming sessions.

By providing these resources, we hope to help faculty show their expertise to a national and international audience as well as recognize those who are making an impact.

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