Northwestern Office of Global Marketing and Communications

Northwestern in the Media

October 24, 2022
Find trending news opportunities for sharing faculty expertise, and check out our weekly update of Northwestern community members making headlines.

In the Spotlight

Read in-depth coverage of Northwestern faculty work and research.

Bright, Powerful Burst of Gamma Rays Detected by Multiple Telescopes

From CNN

Multiple telescopes detected gamma ray bursts on Oct. 9 when it reached Earth. The burst may be one of the most powerful ever recorded by telescopes. Northwestern doctoral student Jillian Rastinejad, who led a team using the Gemini South telescope, described this gamma ray burst as ‘B.O.A.T.,’ (brightest of all time). Astronomers will use their observations to analyze the signatures of any heavy elements released by the star’s collapse.

These Doctors Admit They Don’t Want Patients With Disabilities

From The New York Times

A study published in the journal Health Affairs found that people with disabilities face barriers when attempting to gain access to health care. Said study author Dr. Tara Lagu of Feinberg: “We need to address the attitudes and behavior that perpetuate the unequal access experienced by our most vulnerable patients.”

Kept Home Under Lockdown, U.S. Couples May Have Spurred a 'Baby Bump’

From U.S. News & World Report

The United States saw a “baby bump” in 2021 described in a new study as “the first major reversal in declining U.S. fertility rates since 2007.” Weinberg’s Hannes Schwandt and co-authors analyzed data on all U.S. births from 2015 through 2021, as well as births in California between 2015 and August 2022.         

NU Voices

Read perspectives from Northwestern faculty in national media.

Did Liz Truss Finally Kill the Tax Cut Zombie?

From Monica Prasad, Politico

“Truss’s attempts to pass off her tax cut folly as Thatcherism show not only that Truss does not understand economics, but also that she does not understand Thatcherism," Monica Prasad writes in Politico.

Markets or Regulators: Who Decides on ESG?

From Max M. Schanzenbach, MarketWatch

"A governmental push for or against ESG investing will create regulatory uncertainty while variously freezing in place strategies that may stop working or freezing out strategies that may be beneficial," Max M. Schanzenbach co-writes in MarketWatch.

When our Ukrainian Colleagues Asked for Medical Help, We as Doctors Answered Their Call

From Dr. Vitaliy Poylin, Chicago Sun-Times

“At the outset of the trip, one of the Ukrainian surgeons asked us: ‘Why did you come? I would not have gone to a war zone.’ It’s an obvious question, one that our American team has been discussing since we came back,” Dr. Vitaliy Poylin writes in the Chicago Sun-Times.


Starbucks Odyssey Into NFTs Desperately Needs Guidance

From Mohanbir Sawhney, Fast Company

"What job is Starbucks trying to do for its customers with Odyssey? While it is certainly on-brand for the company to engage in experiential innovation, it is not clear if Starbucks has thought through the ‘why’ behind this initiative,” Mohanbir Sawhney writes in Fast Company.


Temporary changes to Northwestern in the Media

Top stories and reach metrics and trending news topics will resume in December. In the meantime, you can view all of Northwestern's major media mentions on the Northwestern Now website.


About the Northwestern in the Media briefing

This weekly newsletter serves as a resource for faculty and communications staff, sharing news opportunities and highlighting faculty and University successes in traditional media. It also provides communications tools such as media training resources and announcements about upcoming sessions.

By providing these resources, we hope to help faculty show their expertise to a national and international audience as well as recognize those who are making an impact.

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