Northwestern Office of Global Marketing and Communications

Northwestern in the Media

September 26, 2022
Find trending news opportunities for sharing faculty expertise, and check out our weekly update of Northwestern community members making headlines.

In the Spotlight

Read in-depth coverage of Northwestern faculty work and research.

'Life Changing': New Drug Eases Severe Eczema in Young Kids

From HealthDay

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration expanded the approved age range for a monoclonal antibody medication called dupilumab as a new study found it both effective and safe for children as young as 6 months suffering from eczema. Feinberg’s Dr. Amy Paller, author of the study, explains how this finding is significant as most eczema cases begin by age 2, while 85% to 90% of cases develop by age 5.

The Chicago Tribune’s Picks for Art for Fall 2022

From Chicago Tribune

The Chicago Tribune picked “Taking Shape: Abstraction from the Arab World, 1950s-1980s” at Northwestern’s Block Museum of Art as one of the top picks for fall 2022. The traveling show presents almost 90 paintings, prints and sculptures by 57 artists from North Africa, West Asia and the Arab diaspora and is on view through Dec. 4.

Researcher Says Improved Public Transportation Routes, Mobile Clinics Could Increase Health Care Access

From Chicago Tribune

Researchers have found that improved public transportation routes and access to mobile clinics could increase health care access. Feinberg’s Lindsay Allen spoke with the Chicago Tribune to discuss the worsening conditions and gaps of health equity when certain groups rely on public transportation.

NU Voices

Read perspectives from Northwestern faculty in national media.

China's Future

From Nancy Quian, The Korea Times

"China has mirrored Russia's historical trajectory for most of the past 100 years. At the beginning of the 20th century, both were large empires with outdated institutions that could not protect their people from foreign wars, corruption, inequality, and poverty,” Nancy Quian writes in The Korea Times.

U.S. Supreme Court vs. States’ Highest Courts: We Are Giving Kids the Wrong Message

From David Shapiro, Chicago Tribune

"As future voters, students should gain a proper understanding of the impact of their state supreme courts, rather than learning to aggrandize the U.S. Supreme Court alone," David Shapiro writes in the Chicago Tribune.



Temporary changes to Northwestern in the Media

Top stories and reach metrics and trending news topics will resume in December. In the meantime, you can view all of Northwestern's major media mentions on the Northwestern Now website.


About the Northwestern in the Media briefing

This weekly newsletter serves as a resource for faculty and communications staff, sharing news opportunities and highlighting faculty and University successes in traditional media. It also provides communications tools such as media training resources and announcements about upcoming sessions.

By providing these resources, we hope to help faculty show their expertise to a national and international audience as well as recognize those who are making an impact.

We welcome your feedback on this and all of our communications tools. You can reach us any time at


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