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Rignesha P.

Assistant Director

Hi there! I’m Rignesha and my name is pronounced exactly as its written, RIG-NEH-SHA (no silent letters, accent marks, or anything like that). I identify as South Asian, Queer, First-Gen professional and use she/they pronouns. And yeah, I’m one of the Assistant Directors in Multicultural Student Affairs aka MSA. Of course, as a department/office, our works centers on supporting Black, Indigenous, Students of Color on campus. Oh hey, look at that, that’s a new acronym: BISOC. I mean when you say it out loud, it’s kinda sounds funny. …. Anyways, in my role I work to support Asian, Pacific Islander, Desi American (APIDA) students on campus. Okay, now that sort of official intro is out of the way, here is a bit more information about me (if you want to know).  

I was born and raised in Ahmedabad, India. My Vedic astrology sign is Libra, and my western astrology sign is Scorpio. Quite frankly to be honest, neither sign truly represents who I’m as a person, but I find that many people are into this stuff so just putting it out there. I’m definitely an introvert and not going to lie, I’m quite proud of myself for making it this far in life and establishing a professional career in a student-centered position! I love the sound of water and sunsets. I’m a guardian to a black and white tuxedo cat named Prince Zuzuu (name affectionately after Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation). I enjoy my daily morning routine of waking up at 5am and sipping on chai while the rest of the world sleeps.  

Overall, I like to believe that I’m a very simple person. Outside of work, I enjoy my downtime by watching international shows and listening to international music. If you have any recommendations, feel free to pass it along. For shows, I’ll watch anything except for horror genre and for music, I like stuff that has nice rhyme and beats. But yeah, that’s me. Feel free to connect with me via email if you want to be friends. Okay, Thankssssss. 
