
A Night of Honors

The Northwestern Alumni Association honored outstanding alumni and friends of the University during the 81st annual Alumni Awards celebration April 12 at Chicago’s Union League Club.

Emmy Award–winning NBC journalist Peter Alexander ’98 hosted the ceremony, which recognized 19 people for their professional achievements and service to the University.

Dennis Chookaszian ’65, ’02 P, a life trustee at Northwestern and the former chairman and CEO of CNA Insurance Cos., received the Alumni Medal in honor of his lifelong involvement with and generosity to the University. The Alumni Medal is the mark of highest distinction granted to a Northwestern alumnus or alumna.

The event also included remarks from President Morton Schapiro and a performance by the cast members of this year’s Waa-Mu Show.

Check out complete coverage of the event, read the biographies of the 2014 NAA Alumni Award winners and view photos from the evening — and check out this congratulatory video from President Barack Obama ’06 H to his chief speechwriter, Cody Keenan ’02.

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Ever wonder about those strange designations we use throughout Northwestern to identify alumni of the various schools of the University? See the complete list.