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FY 2020

Inventive Activity

A Diverse Year of Activity

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Fiscal Year 2020

Inventive Activity Report

Northwestern University's inventive spirit thrived in 2020. Faculty and researchers submitted a record-breaking 240 invention disclosures, representing a 4.3% increase over the previous year. This surge in activity highlights the ongoing commitment to innovation across both campuses. The McCormick School of Engineering and the Feinberg School of Medicine led the charge in invention disclosures, with significant contributions also coming from the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences. Notably, the field of therapeutics saw the most significant inventive output.

Sarki Abdulkadir, Center for Urologic Oncology

For decades, researchers have known that the MYC protein is implicated in more than half of all cancers, including breast, brain and prostate. However, it has remained an elusive target as its structure has been considered “undruggable."

Inventive Activity Metrics

Inventions Disclosed
Patent Applications
Agreements Executed
Million in Licensing Revenues, Dollars
Patents Issued
Startups with Northwestern IP
invention disclosures chart
Figure 1 illustrates invention disclosure activity since 2002. In FY 2020, INVO processed 240 invention disclosures or 4.3% more than last year.