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Northwestern University Clinical Apprentice Program (NU-CAP)

Health Professions Advising (HPA) and Northwestern Medicine (NM) are excited to promote our Northwestern University Clinical Apprentice Program (NU-CAP). NU-CAP aims to provide Northwestern undergraduate students interested in exploring a career in medicine an opportunity through six on-site visits to work with NM physicians, learn about their professional roles and responsibilities, receive mentorship, and observe patient interactions in a clinical setting. Each selected student will be paired with a practicing NM physician each week, with those preceptors providing an inside look into the profession helping students discern whether a career in medicine will be a good fit for their interests, values, and goals. 

The NU-CAP requirements and recruitment processes are designed to be inclusive and equitable. We welcome applications from students in underserved groups, including first-generation and Pell-eligible, in addition to students with very limited or no shadowing experiences. Based on financial support from Health Professions Advising, the Northwestern Medical Group (NMG), and Northwestern Undergraduate Financial Aid, the program is designed to have no out of pocket expenses for participants and designed to avoid conflict with national and religious holidays over the course of the academic year.

Due to the limited number of seats, we encourage students to continue to apply if their prior applications are unsuccessful. For more information about the program, see the following pages: