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Shadowing and Mentoring

While securing shadowing opportunities can be challenging, there are various ways to find them. Students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and leverage existing connections or create new ones. Consider reaching out to:

  • Your family physician and their professional network
  • Family and friends who may have relevant contacts
  • Clinical volunteering or paid work opportunities
  • A clinical mentor for guidance and support
  • Shadowing programs that offer structured experiences

Campus Shadowing  and Mentoring Opportunities 

To help you seek out opportunities for shadowing and mentoring, below is a select list of opportunities on campus to consider, as you seek future opportunities. 

Northwestern University Clinical Apprentice Program (NU-CAP)

Shadowing program pairing selected students with practicing Northwestern Medicine physicians who will provide an inside look into the profession.

Northwestern Medicine Pre-Med Internship Program

The Northwestern Medicine Pre-Med Internship Program provides opportunities for promising undergraduate students to experience both clinical observation and focused project work.

Northwestern Externship Program (NEXT)

NEXT is a shadowing program offering current Northwestern students the opportunity to accompany alumni on the job to learn more about various professional fields. 

 Northwestern Network Mentorship Program 

The Northwestern Network Mentorship Program is an online platform designed to cultivate meaningful mentorship opportunities for the global Northwestern community, with alumni mentors providing valuable support and guidance as mentees navigate their careers.