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Funding Initiatives

At the Office of Neighborhood and Community Relations at Northwestern University, we are committed to catalyzing positive change and fostering a vibrant, equitable community. Our funding contributions are designed to support projects and programs that address societal challenges and contribute to the well-being of our community, aligning with our core pillars of Education, Economic and Community Development and, Health and Well-being.

a group of people talking round the table

Community Support

We provide financial backing to a wide range of organizations including community groups, nonprofit organizations, faith-based institutions, civic entities, and schools. Our aim is to empower these groups to implement projects and programs that tackle pressing societal issues. By aligning with our pillars, these initiatives strive to create a more just, engaged, and educated community, contributing significantly to the social fabric of Evanston and beyond.

two women volunteering

Academic Community Engagement

In addition to external community support, we offer funding to Northwestern’s academic community — faculty, students, and staff — who seek to engage in volunteer activities, community outreach, and community-building endeavors. This support extends to community-engaged research, teaching, and learning projects that resonate with our strategic focus areas. Our goal is to nurture a culture of engagement where academic resources and community needs intersect to produce meaningful and sustainable outcomes.

Support Request & Impact

Our funding process is designed to be transparent and accessible, ensuring that all proposals are evaluated on their potential to make a significant and lasting impact. We encourage applicants to demonstrate how their projects align with our three pillars and contribute to a stronger, more interconnected community.

Get Support for Organization/Event

Please read prior to requesting support for your organization or event:

  • Any submitted request may require a meeting with NCR staff
  • No more than two financial requests will be awarded per entity per fiscal year (Sept. 1-Aug.31)
  • If a request is connected to an event for sponsorship, the request must be submitted at least 30 days prior to be considered
  • All requests must align with at least one of our three pillars:
    • Education
    • Economic and Community Development
    • Health and Well-being

support request form

Disclaimer: Please note that due to the volume of requests that are submitted and the limitations of our budget, it’s not a guarantee that all requests will be successful or the requested amount will be provided.