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Yeki Mosomothane

Multicultural Educator and Coordinator at the Center for Student Communities

Multicultural Educator and Coordinator at the Center for Student Communities

Yeki Mosomothane, currently serves as the Multicultural Educator and Coordinator at the Centre for Student Communities in the Division of Student Affairs at Stellenbosch University and also the current chairperson of the Division of Student Affairs Transformation forum. He has previously served as senior officer for student governance and as a residence head at the University of the Free State.

The other roles that he has undertaken include serving as a research fellow at the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, and as a senior manager for community development and stakeholder relations at Stellenbosch municipality working in the municipal manager’s office. Yeki has also worked in the higher education and private sectors as a consultant on transformation and change management processes. He is a member of the National Association for Student Development Practitioners (NASDEV) and has previously served 2 terms on its national executive committee (NEC). He is currently pursuing a research project on the experiences of black academics in African languages departments at historically white universities during the Apartheid years.