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Jonathan Holloway

Former Provost for Northwestern University

Former Provost for Northwestern University

Jonathan Holloway, was named Provost of Northwestern University on July 1, 2017, succeeding Daniel Linzer, who stepped down after 10 years in the position. 

Holloway was Dean of Yale College and Edmund S. Morgan Professor of African American Studies, History, and American Studies. He specializes in post-emancipation United States history with a focus on social and intellectual history. He is the author of Confronting the Veil: Abram Harris Jr., E. Franklin Frazier, and Ralph Bunche, 1919-1941 (2002) and Jim Crow Wisdom: Memory and Identity in Black America Since 1940 (2013), both published by the University of North Carolina Press. He edited Ralph Bunche’s A Brief and Tentative Analysis of Negro Leadership (NYU Press, 2005) and co-edited Black Scholars on the Line: Race, Social Science, and American Thought in the 20th Century (Notre Dame University Press, 2007). He has written an introduction for a new edition of W.E.B. Du Bois’s Souls of Black Folk, published by Yale University Press in 2015, and is currently working on a new book, A History of Absence: Public Narratives, Race, and the Making of the Modern World. 

In his two and a half years he has helped develop several programs such as the Undergraduate Student Lifcycle Initiative, which sought to support first-generation and low-incom students. Launched the Books for Cats program , and implemented a new review process for deans according to The Daily Northwestern. He later stepped down as Provost to become the first black president of Rutgers University in 2020.