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Student Experiences

Engage with GLO alums to learn more about study abroad

One of the best ways to learn about the study abroad experience is from other Northwestern students who participated in your program, lived in your host country, or experienced challenges living and studying abroad.

public health in Mexico

Explore Programs

Learn more about the various programs Northwestern offers for undergraduate students during the academic year and summer.
Learn About Programs
group of students

Identity & Diversity Abroad

Consider aspects of your identity and how these may be perceived and treated in your host culture.

Read About Identity Abroad
students at lunch by the ocean

Program Evaluations

Review program evaluations for feedback from past Northwestern students who participated on the programs in which you're most interested.
Read program evaluations
students in China

Connect with Students

Organized by region and program, contact current Northwestern students who studied abroad in countries or programs of interest.

Contact returnees
students in Berlin

Student Ambassadors

Global Learning Office (GLO) Ambassadors serve as official volunteer representatives of GLO and advocate for study abroad within the Northwestern undergraduate community.
Meet with a student ambassador
students eating street food

Student Blogs

Hear from Northwestern students all around the world as they study in foreign universities, conduct research, volunteer, work in internships, improve their language skills, meet new friends, and connect with host families.

View student blogs