Northwestern Magazine
Picture-Perfect Gathering
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Fifteenth-reunion friends, from left, Margaret Kempton Master (WCAS91) and Lillian Kong (WCAS91, PT99), seated, and Linda Tsai (WCAS90, FSM95, GFSM96), Ramona Master Desai (WCAS90, FSM94) and Teja Ganti (WCAS91), standing

Fifteenth-reunion friends, from left, Margaret Kempton Master (WCAS91) and Lillian Kong (WCAS91, PT99), seated, and Linda Tsai (WCAS90, FSM95, GFSM96), Ramona Master Desai (WCAS90, FSM94) and Teja Ganti (WCAS91), standing

Photo by Jasper Chen (McC04)